Last weekend saw a return visit to our friends at the Wight Diamonds Marching Band – the two bands joined together to take part in the Illuminated Carnival Parade in Shanklin.

The carnival on the Saturday evening, which starts and finishes in Shanklin Old Village, was made up of floats from all over the Island each representing their town or charitable organisation. There were lots of people cheering us all along the route. As usual everyone wore head lamps (to help us to see the music) and had fairy lights & glow sticks draped around the instruments.

We also managed to fit in a joint concert with Wight Diamonds at the bandstand in Rylstone Gardens in Shanklin – it was a lovely sunny afternoon and there was a good crowd enjoying the music and the weather!

An afternoon concert with the Wight Diamonds at Rylstone Gardens
An afternoon concert with the Wight Diamonds at Rylstone Gardens
Some of the band recovering after the illuminated parade at Shanklin!
Some of the band recovering after the illuminated parade at Shanklin!
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